Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Yeaaaaah! Edjamacation!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 3, 2009 by emdashdesigns

Yes! I had my official graduation luncheon and I am now an alumni of the Art Institute of Charleston. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Trials and tribulations, test panic and class schedule frustrations, my Honors Degree was mentioned in all of about 3 seconds at the ceremony (Woo-Hoo?). Anyway, it feels bittersweet to have jumped the proverbial hurdle. Now I’m free to pursue my career and goals, but what the hell do I do with all of my free time? (By the way, did I mention I worked full-time and went to school full-time. I know, pretty amazing.) So now that I have all this free time that is interfering with my angst, I have self-medicated on a design site for freelancers and have thus far entered about 5 logos and one blog page widget. It’s great because even if I don’t win the bid/job/$$$, I’m adding to my portfolio everyday and staying busy. I like that it keeps my mind active and the creative juices flowing.

So, now I’m off to imbibe in some riesling and reflect on the future. I’ll post some photos to follow. All for now.

Fab eatery of said graduation

Fab eatery of said graduation

Em-Dash Designs Descends on the World!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 3, 2009 by emdashdesigns

Hello. I’m Erin and this is Em-Dash Designs’ Blog. For the uninitiated (read: non-graphic design geek), Em-Dash is a typography term and something on your keyboard you’ve probably used but never knew had a name. I’ve recently graduated with a degree in graphic design and I am currently freelancing work under this business title. In my quest for my first real permanent job in the creative industry, I’ve plunged myself into freelance work and this web 2.0 thing, so be easy on me. I’m a blogging virgin. The first thing I would like to leave an impression with is my portfolio and PowerPoint presentation (said portfolio put to slide format with some narration). Please click the links below to view and, surely, leave your comments: the good, the bad, and the ugly.